The Stressometer Comby being the first instrument measuring human tremor, there existed previously before this instrument no standard, universal and validated tremor scale until now. Therefore the IBC (Institut Bruno Comby) has developed a standard reference scale for the measurement of human tremor.
After 15 years of clinical research and studies, and more than 50 000 measurements, the IBC has defined a linear accelerometric scale expressed in TNR COMBY units as follows.
1 TNR COMBY unit = 6,66 . 10-4 m/s2
A sine-wave trembling at 10 Hz of 1 µm (micrometer) in amplitude corresponds to 6 TNR COMBY units.
The results displayed by the STRESSOMETER COMBY type ADTM 60 are located between 0 (total immobility) and 999 TNR COMBY units.
____________ 0 ____________
Normal tremor: 0 to 25 TNR___________ 25 ___________
Medium tremor: 25 to 50 TNR___________ 50 ___________
High tremor: 50 to 100 TNR___________ 100 ___________
Very high tremor: >100 TNR___________ 999 ___________
Presentation of the Stressometer - Technical information - Measuring scale - Standard measuring position - Order form - Tarifs PDF - Comby Institute - TNR home page
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